Your search returned 26 results. Subscribe to this search

Senderos de gloria : (Paths of Glory) / Kubrick, Stanley, Stanley Kubrick, James B. Harris, guión Stanley Kubrick, Calder Willingham e Jim Thompson by Kubrick, Stanley Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment España 2006 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (84 min.) :son., bl. y n ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El regreso / Hal Ashby by Ashby, Hal Publication: [Madrid] :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 1978 Physical description: 1 DVD (2hr.03min) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El puente de Remagen : (The bridge at Remagen) / John Guillermin, David L. Wolper, guión de Richard Yates e William Roberts by Guillermin, John Publication: [Madrid] :distribuida por MGM Home Entertainment 2003 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (111 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El acorazado Potemkin / Sergei M. Eisenstein by Eisenstein, Sergei M. Publication: Madrid 2003 Physical description: 77 min. Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Escuadrón 633 : Squadron 633 / Walter E. Grauman, Cecil F. Ford by Grauman, Walter E. Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2003 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD vídeo) (91 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

6 de junio dia D : D-day The sixth of June / Henry Koster, Charles Bracket, guión de Ivan Moffat y Harry Brown by Koster, Henry Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment España 2003 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo)(102 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Los diablos del Pacífico : Between heaven and hell / Richard Fleischer, David Weisbart, guión de Henry Brown by Fleischer, Richard Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment España 2004 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (90 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

La mandolina del capitán Corelli : Captain Corelli's mandolin / John Madden, Tim Bevan... [et al.], screenplay by Shawn Slovo ; director of photography, John Toll ; music by Stephen Warbeck by Madden, John Publication: Madrid :editado internacionalmente por Universal Pictures International Limited 2003 Physical description: 1 videodisco (DVD) (ca. 124 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

La chute : (Downfall) : los últimos días de Hitler / Oliver Hirschbiegel, Bernd Eichinger by Hirschbiegel, Oliver Publication: Francia :TF1 Video 2004 Physical description: 1 disco 150 mn. :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Cartas desde Iwo Jima / Clint Eastwood by Eastwood, Clint Publication: [S.l.] :Warner Home video Española 2008 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 135 min.) :son. col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

En tierra de nadie / Danis Tanovic by Tanovic, Danis Publication: Barcelona :Directo360 2006 Physical description: :DVD Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Days of glory : Días de gloria / Rachid Buochareb by Buochareb, Rachid Publication: Barcelona :Directo360 2006 Physical description: :DVD Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Guerra y paz / King Vidor, Dino de Laurentiis, Carlo Ponti, guión Bridget Boland, Mario Camerini e King Vidor by Vidor, King Publication: Madrid :Mediasatgroup 2006 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo)(200 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Expiación : Más allá de la pasión / Joe Wright by Wright, Joe Publication: [Barcelona] :RBA Edipresse 2008 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Video) (117 min.) :son., col ;12cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

MALARIA SENTIMENTAL / QUEIPO, XAVIER by QUEIPO, Xavier Publication: SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA :SOTELO BLANCO 1999 Physical description: 141 p. Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (4),

Banderas de nuestros padres : Flags of our fathers / directed by Clint Eastwood ; screnplay by William Broyles Jr. and Paul Haggis ; produced by Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg and Robert Lorenz by Eastwood, Clint Publication: [Madrid] :Warner Home Video 2008 Physical description: 2 discos (DVD-Vídeo) (126 min.) :son., col 1 CD Banda sonora Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El león de Esparta / Rudolph Mate, Rudolph Mate e George St. George, guión, George St. George by Maté, Rudolph Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox 2005 Physical description: 1 videodisco dixital (DVD) (ca. 109 min.) :son, cor ;18cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El motín del Caine / Edward Dmytrik, Stanley Kramer, guión de Stanley Roberts by Dmytryk, Edward Publication: [Madrid] :Diario EL País, bajo licencia de Warner Home Vídeo 2006 Physical description: 1 videodisco dixital (DVD) (ca. 120 min.) :son, cor ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Salvar al soldado Ryan : Saving private Ryan / Steven Spielberg, Steven Spielberg & Ian Bryce and Mark Gordon & Gary Levinsohn, written by Robert Rodat by Spielberg, Steven Publication: Madrid :distribuido por Paramont Home Entertainment 2003 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (163 min.) :son., bl. y n. y col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El puente sobre el río Kwai / David Lean by Lean, David Publication: Madrid :Diario El País 2006 Physical description: 1 videodisco (DVD) (ca. 156 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

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