Your search returned 44 results. Subscribe to this search

El puente de los espías [ / Dirigida por Steven Spielberg   Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2015 Physical description: 1 disco (Blu-ray) (ca. 137 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

The Hunted : La presa / William Friedkin by Friedkin, William Publication: [Madrid] :distribuida por Universal Pictures Iberia 2003 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (105 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Medianoche en el jardín del bien y del mal : Midnight in the garden of good and evil / Clint Eastwood, screenplay by John Lee Hancock ; based on the book by John Berendt ; director of photography, Jack N. Green ; music by Lennie by Eastwood, Clint Publication: [Madrid :Warner Bros Video 2008 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (149 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Ocean's twelve / Steven Soderbergh, Jerry Weintraub by Sodebergh, Steven Publication: [S.l.] :Warner Bros. Entertainment 2005 Physical description: 2 discos (DVD) (2 PAL) (ca. 112, 120 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Psicosis : Psycho / Alfred Hitchcock, screenplay by Joseph Stefano by Hitchcock, Alfred Publication: Madrid :RBA 2007 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (ca. 104 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Memento / Christopher Nolan, Suzane Todd, escrito por Christopher Nolan; director de fotografía, Wally Paster by Nolan, Christopher Publication: Madrid :Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2000 Physical description: 1 DVD (108 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Shutter Island / Martin Scorsese, guión de John Logan; música de Howard Shore by Scorsese, Martin Publication: Barcelona :Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment España 2007 Physical description: 1 videodiscos (DVD) (163 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

La intérprete / Sidney Pollack by Pollack, Sydney Publication: Madrid :distribuido por Universal Pictures Iberia 2008 Physical description: 2 discos (DVD) (128 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Vértigo : Vertigo / Alfred Hitchcock Wilder, Sally Benson, Alma Reville, Bernard Herrmann. Shadow of a doubt / directed by Alfred Hitchcock ; screenplay by Thornton by Hitchcock, Alfred Publication: Madrid :Universal Pictures 2005 Physical description: 2 videodiscos (DVD)(123, 103 min.) :son., col. y bl y n Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Lobos sucios / dirigida por Simón Casal de Miguel by Casal de Miguel, Simón Publication: [Barcelona] :Cameo 2017 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 101 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Belleza roja / Arantza Portabales Santomé by Portabales Santomé, Arantza Publication: Barcelona :Lumen 2019 Physical description: 428 p. ;23cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (3),

El buen alemán : The good german / Steven Soderbergh, Ben Cosgrove, Gregory Jacobs, screenplay by Paul Attanasio by Sodebergh, Steven Publication: [Madrid] : distribuida por Warner Home Video Española , cop. 2007 2007 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (103 min.) :son., bl. y n ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

13 badaladas / VILLAVERDE, Xavier by VILLAVERDE, Xavier Publication: A Coruña :Xunta de Galicia 2006 Physical description: 1 videodisco dixital (DVD) :son.cor Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

K19: The widowmaker / Kathryn Bigelow by Bigelow, Kathryn Publication: Barcelona :Filmax Home Vídeo 2002 Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Veinte / Manel Loureiro by Loureiro, Manel Publication: Barcelona :Planeta 2017 Physical description: 605 p ;23cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Betty Anne Waters : Conviction / Tony Goldwyn, guión, Pamela Gray ; música, Paul Cantelon by Goldwyn, Tony Publication: Barcelona :Filmax Home Video 2011 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 107 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Ciudad de Dios / Fernando Meirelles by Meirelles, Fernando Publication: Barcelona :DeAPlaneta 2009 Physical description: 1 DVD (ca. 130 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: No items available: Checked out (1),

Michael Clayton / Tony Gilroy, Sydney Pollack, Jennifer Fox, Steven Samuels, Kerry Orent, música, James Newton Howard by Gilroy, Tony Publication: Barcelona :De APlaneta 1985 Physical description: 1 DVD (ca. 120 min.) 1 libro :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

El escritor : The Ghost Writer / Roman Polanski, Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde by Polanski, Roman Publication: Madrid :distribuido por Aurum Producciones 2010 Physical description: 1 DVD, 1 CD, 1 LIBRO :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

Millennium 1 / Niels Arden Oplev by Arden Oplev, Niels Publication: Barcelona :De APlaneta 2009 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD-Vídeo) (156 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES de Curtis (1),

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